Chicago Height/ Park Forest, Illinois
Science Technology Engineering Art Math

Summer 2020 Foundation PD 2 (of 2)

Pendulums and STEAM Practices

Participants make pendulums and record the way they move, and connect the concepts and processes they encountered to the Next Generation Science Standards Science and Engineering Practices and Visual Arts Standards. They continue their work on STEAM unit plans.

Date: August 5, 2020
K-5 Teachers
STEAM Ahead Consultants: Jenna Sanei, Jerry Stefl, and Patricia Whitehouse
Focus: Patterns
Materials: Key, 14 inch-long string, Zine, Paper, Pencil, Youtube

Approximate Time: 3 Hours

PD FocusParticipants make pendulums and record the way they move, and connect the concepts and processes they encountered to the Next Generation Science Standards Science and Engineering Practices and Visual Arts Standards. They continue their work on STEAM unit plans.

Part 1: Introductions and Science Activity (90 Minutes)

Part 2: Group Work Time (1 Hour)

Part 3: Wrap Up & Next Steps (30 Minutes)
Additional ResourcesHow to make a zine
National Core Art Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices

Part 1: Pendulum Activity

Create a new zine. Make a pendulum. Predict pendulum motions. Record and discuss predictions and observations in the zine.

Part 2: Group Work Time

Compare the description of the activity to the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) and National Visual Arts Standards. Relate the comparison to developing STEAM unit plans.

Part 3: Wrap-Up & Next Steps

Reflect on the Science and Engineering practices used last year and how to strengthen the connections Continue to plan and create STEAM unt plans and planning steps for the year.