2021-22 School Year PD 3 (of 4)
End of Year Logistics
Participants get information about end of year portfolio, presentation, and student exhibit, then work in school groups.
Date: March 23, 2022
Audience: K-5 Teachers
STEAM Ahead Consultants: Jenna Sanei, Jerry Stefl, and Patricia Whitehouse
Focus: Patterns
Materials: STEAM Ahead Project Checklist - 2022
Approximate Time: 2.5 Hours
Part 1: Welcome (30 minutes)
Part 2: End of Year Logistics (30 minutes)
Part 3: Group Work Time, Recap and Wrap-up (90 minutes)
Additional Resources
STEAM Ahead Project Checklist - 2022
National Core Art Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices
Part 1: Welcome (30 minutes)
Part 2: End of Year Logistics (30 minutes)
Part 3: Group Work Time, Recap and Wrap-up (90 minutes)
Additional Resources
STEAM Ahead Project Checklist - 2022
National Core Art Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices
Part 1: Welcome
Share the agenda for the day and data collected from the February PD.

Part 2: End of Year Logistics
Share the End of Year Checklist, and examples of showcase options.

Part 3: Group Work Time, Recap and Wrap-up
Teams work on the items listed on the checklist and review the end of year important dates list.

2020 Summer Foundation Professional Development
2020-2021 School Year Professional Development
2020-2021 School Year Professional Development
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 1: Virtual STEAM Ahead
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 2: Elements of Design and Nature Artists
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 3: Patterns, Artist Mark Bradford, Artmaking
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 4: Review of Artist Mark Bradford and Artmaking
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 5: Patterns and More Artmaking
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 6: Planning End-of-Year Presentations
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 7: End-of-Year Presentations
2021 Summer Reflection Professional Development
2021-2022 School Year Professional Development
- Summer 2021 Reflection PD 1: Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect
- Summer 2021 Reflection PD 2: Cause and Effect through an Art Lens
2021-2022 School Year Professional Development