2021-22 School Year PD 2 (of 4)
Assessing STEAM Processes and Practices
Participants review several ways to assess STEAM processes and practices, and work in their teams to
develop or refine assessments for their STEAM Ahead activities.
Date: February 3, 2022
Audience: K-5 Teachers
STEAM Ahead Consultants: Jenna Sanei, Jerry Stefl, and Patricia Whitehouse
Focus: Patterns
Materials: Assessment documents
Approximate Time: 2.5 Hours
Part 1: Welcome (15 minutes)
Part 2: School Teams Check-in (20 minutes)
Part 3: Assessing STEAM Processes (40 minutes)
Part 4: Group Work Time, Recap (75 minutes)
Additional Resources
Student Agency Through Engineering
Engineering is Elementary
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices
Part 1: Welcome (15 minutes)
Part 2: School Teams Check-in (20 minutes)
Part 3: Assessing STEAM Processes (40 minutes)
Part 4: Group Work Time, Recap (75 minutes)
Additional Resources
Student Agency Through Engineering
Engineering is Elementary
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices
Part 1: Welcome
Share the agenda for the day and data collected from October 2021 PD.

Part 2: School Teams Check-in
School teams discuss progress and challenges so far during the year.
Part 3: Assessing STEAM ProcessesDiscuss and share an example of NSTA’s engineering design process, which includes visual arts processes. Share an engineering group chart. Share examples of assessment rubrics and I Can statements.

Part 4: Group Work Time, Recap
Groups work on assessments and overall STEAM Ahead units. Wrap-up includes reminders about the end-of-year exhibit.

2020 Summer Foundation Professional Development
2020-2021 School Year Professional Development
2020-2021 School Year Professional Development
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 1: Virtual STEAM Ahead
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 2: Elements of Design and Nature Artists
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 3: Patterns, Artist Mark Bradford, Artmaking
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 4: Review of Artist Mark Bradford and Artmaking
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 5: Patterns and More Artmaking
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 6: Planning End-of-Year Presentations
- 2020-2021 School Year PD 7: End-of-Year Presentations
2021 Summer Reflection Professional Development
2021-2022 School Year Professional Development
- Summer 2021 Reflection PD 1: Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect
- Summer 2021 Reflection PD 2: Cause and Effect through an Art Lens
2021-2022 School Year Professional Development