Chicago Height/ Park Forest, Illinois
Science Technology Engineering Art Math

Colors, Shapes, and Symmetry Lessons 1-4:

Colors & Mosaics

exploring the connection between colors and feelings

Grade Level Focus: 2nd Grade
School: 21st Century Primary Center 
Teaching Artists: David Sprecher, Jordan Knecht
Classroom Teacher: Andrea Mele
Materials: watercolors or crayons, pencils, paper, small cups, colored paper scraps, paper, glue, scissors
Lessons: 4

Unit: Colors, Shapes, and Symmetry

Mix colors. Develop social/emotional vocabulary. Create drawings depicting feelings using color. Create paper mosaics. 

Lesson SequenceLesson 1: Overlap circles of translucent primary colors to create secondary colors.

Lesson 2: Read a story which conveys colors and feelings. Create a class vocabulary list of feelings. Use the list to create drawings which depict feelings though color. 

Lessons 3: Observe the work of Alma Thomas. Create mosaics from colorful ripped paper.

Lesson 4: Observe the stencil work of Nina Chanel Abney. Continue working on paper mosaics. Present final mosaics.

Next Generation Science Standards

National Visual Arts StandardsCREATING                                    
Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop ideas and work.
, VA:Cr2.2.2a   

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic works. 
Anchor Standard 8: Interpret and meaning in artistic work.

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesis and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.

Anchor Standard 11: Compare and contrast cultural uses of artwork from different times and places.    

Artist Connections
My Many Colored Days

Alma Thomas

Nina Chanel Abney
Mirtes Zwierzynski
Odili Donald Odita
Josef Albers
Kristin Farr
Tauba Auerbach
Andrew Huffman
Brice Marden

Additional Resources:
The Essential Color Theory Artist You May Never Have Heard Of

Color Theory and Josef Albers

Interaction of Color Josef Albers
Work examples:

Lesson 1: Mixing Colors

teaching artists introducing color mixing

creating and presenting color overlaps

Lesson 2: Creating Vocabulary & Color Drawings About Feelings

Lesson 3: Observe Alma Thomas and Create Paper Mosaics

Lesson 4: Observe Nina Chanel Abney, Continue & Present Mosaics

Colors, Shapes, and Symmetry Lessons

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